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11 - 14 November 2024
In Person or Live Digital

Certificate in HR Budgeting, Budget Control, & Manpower Management

Understand how to use HR Budgeting and Manpower Planning as key drivers of organisational performance and strategic success

Sign Up for Our Certificate in HR Budgeting, Budget Control, & Manpower Management Training

Fully understand the costs involved with HR that allow you to present a realistic case to management

Why Attend?

Employees are the lifeblood of an organisation. This makes manpower planning and budgeting a critical aspect of business operations as it can help an organisation to become more efficient, profitable and successful in the long run. That is where this course comes into play.

Our objective is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to develop a comprehensive manpower plan that meets their organisation’s goals. This course also covers topics such as budgeting, cost control, and analysis of human resources data.

Benefits Of Attending

  • Identify the key components and cost factors in HR and build an effective HR budget
  • Develop advanced professional budgeting techniques which will help you manage and forecast effectively
  • Build, monitor and control your HR budget and understand how it links to organisational finance 
  • Understand how linking budget control of HR and effective manpower planning will lead to organisational success

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the purpose of a budget 
  2. Compile and interpret budgets 
  3. Understand the link between organisational finance and HR budgets 
  4. Identify the key components and cost factors in an HR budget

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Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.

Bespoke training designed for your organisation only, combining traditional classroom setting, blended and online learning models

Is this course for you?

Who Should Attend

  • HR Managers and Directors 
  • Manpower Planning Managers 
  • HR Officers and Supervisors 
  • HR Analysts

Course Information

Delegates can earn up to 24 CPEs

Course Methodology

The course will involve working in pairs and in teams on case studies together with practical exercises from leading organisations to gain real hands-on experience of the budget process.

Case Studies Include:

  • Linking organizational finance to budgets 
  • Building a budget 
  • When budgets go wrong


Delivered by Peter

Peter is a business management consultant and professional skills management trainer. He is an Executive Director of a South African based consulting practice, which he established in2004 using the extensive experience gained through his exposure to the holistic corporate financial services environment, where he spent the first twenty years of his career.

Certified by CPD UK

The CPD Certification Service is an independent accreditation centre working across all sectors, disciplines and further learning applications and supports policies of institutional and professional organisations globally.

Run this course in-house

Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement

Deputy Director, Central Bank of Nigeria, Nigeria

"Peter made this course interesting by using simple and relevant real-life examples".